Finished version No. 3-6
Sleeping, works
From the light room, recursion
(Apply 100% sharp)
Here is the data before retouching
Even though it can be as it is, another idea

Camera : Nikon D810
Tool : 1.Adobe Lightroom Classic CC 2018
Transfer to Photoshop,
First, apply the action for editing
After that, apply Sharp → Blur reduction to the background layer
(Add 4 in automatic area according to what is automatically selected)
Next, duplicate the background layer and monochromate it with a filter
Then apply to the lower background layer with 50% screen
作画テクニックをWacom tabletを使い、ブレ軽減で歪んだ部分を補修
Using Wacom tablet for painting techniques, repair distorted parts with shake reduction

Camera : Nikon D810
Tool : 2.Adobe Photoshop CC 2018
And finished
Since it was able to become an action except the handwritten part of the final process
Until the opportunity to shoot next time, this method is now sealed